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Yousun Koh

Veins of the neck (Latin)

Veins of the neck (Latin)

The main veins of the neck are the venae jugulares externa, interna and anterior. The v. jugularis externa is usually formed by the v. auricularis posterior and v. retromandibularis (not shown) and drains into the v. subclavia at the root of the neck. Tributaries of the v. jugularis externa include the v. jugularis anterior, v. transversae colli, v. suprascapularis and v. jugularis externa posterior (not shown). The vena jugularis interna descends through the neck, joining with the v subclavia to form the v. brachiocephalica dextra/sinistra. Unlike its arterial counterpart (the a. carotis interna), the v. jugularis interna receives numerous tributaries within the neck, most notable the v. facialis communis which is received around the level of, or inferior to, the os hyoideum.The vv. thyroideae superior et media drain regions of the glandula thyroidea and larynx, emptying into the v. jugularis interna, while the v. thyroidea inferior drains directly into the v. brachiocephalica sinistra. The v. vertebralis descends within the foramina transversaria of the vertebrae cervicales and also drains into the vena brachiocephalica.
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Regular price $7.56 USD
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