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Yousun Koh

Veins of the forearm: Anterior view (Latin)

Veins of the forearm: Anterior view (Latin)

The upper limb is drained by both deep and superficial venous systems. The main vv. superficiales include the v. cephalica and v. basilica which arise from the rete venosum dorsale. The v. cephalica communicates with the v. basilica via the v. mediana cubiti and drains superficial regions of the hand, wrist and forearm. The v. mediana antebrachii drains the anterior forearm, usually emptying into the v. mediana cubiti/v. basilica in the region of the fossa cubitalis. The deep venous system arises from the venous palmar arches and comprises the paired vv. radiales, vv. ulnares and vv. interosseae anteriores. The vv. profundae of the forearm communicate with the vv. superficiales via perforating veins (vv. perforantes)
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Regular price $7.56 USD
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