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Paul Kim

Vagus nerve: intracranial and upper cervical parts (Latin)

Vagus nerve: intracranial and upper cervical parts (Latin)

[Intracranial and upper cervical parts]The n. vagus carries special visceral efferent/branchiomotor fibers from the nucleus ambiguus and general visceral efferent/parasympathetic fibers from the nucleus posterior nervi vagi. General somatic afferent/sensory fibers are carried to the nucleus spinalis nervi trigemini, while both general and special visceral afferent fibers arrive at the nucleus tractus solitarii. The n. vagus emerges from the lateral surface of the medulla oblongata (sulcus retroolivaris) as a group of rootlets that merge before exiting the skull via the foramen jugulare between the n. glossopharyngeus (CN IX) and n. accessorius (CN XI). In this region, the n. vagus bears the ganglion superius/jugulare that contains the cell bodies of GSA fibers and has connections to n. glossopharyngeus, truncus sympathicus cervicalis and radix cranialis nervi accessorii (which is nowadays functionally considered as a component of the n. vagus). The ggl. superius gives off a r. meningeus branch (not shown) as well as a r. auricularis, which supplies parts of the auricle and membrana tympanica. Below the ggl. superius is the ganglion inferius/nodosum that contains cell bodies of visceral and special sensory fibers of the n. vagus and has connections with the n. hypoglossus (CN XII). After exiting the jugular foramen, the vagus nerve gives off a r. pharyngeus which supplies motor function to mm. constrictores pharyngis constrictor and mm. palati mollis, as well as receiving some GVA/sensory fibers from the plexus pharyngeus also. It also communicates with the n. sinus carotidis (of n. glossopharyngeus). The final upper cervical branch seen here is the n. laryngeus superior.
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Regular price $7.56 USD
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