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Yousun Koh

Superior view of the base of the skull (Latin)

Superior view of the base of the skull (Latin)

There are many foramina, canals, sulci and other structures seen on the superior view of the base of the skull. The fossa anterior cranii features several landmarks, such as the foramina cribrosa, foramen caecum, jugum sphenoidale and crista frontalis. The fossa media cranii contains a higher number of landmarks compared to the fossa anterior cranii, some of which are the processus clinoidei, sella turcica, sulcus carotidis, foramen ovale and impressio trigeminalis. The fossa posterior cranii features structures such as the clivus, foramen magnum, meatus acusticus internus, foramen jugulare and canalis hypoglossus.
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Regular price $7.56 USD
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