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Yousun Koh

Skull (lateral view) (Latin)

Skull (lateral view) (Latin)

The os frontale articulates with the os zygomaticum (sutura frontozygomatica), the ala major ossis sphenoidalis (sutura sphenofrontalis) and the os parietale (sutura coronalis). From this lateral perspective, the pars squamosa and pars petrosa ossis temporalis are visible and are separated from each other by the processus zygomaticus ossis temporalis. This processus zygomaticus unites with the processus temporalis ossis zygomatici to form the arcus zygomaticus. The pars squamosa ossis temporalis articulates with the os parietale superiorly (sutura squamosa) and with the ala major ossis sphenoidalis anteriorly (sphenosquamosal suture). The pars squamosa ossis temporalis and the ala major ossis sphenoidalis together form the majority of the fossa temporalis. The meatus acusticus externus is part of the pars tympanica ossis temporalis with the processus styloideus situated inferior, and the processus mastoideus posterior to it. The pterion is a point of intersection of os frontale, sphenoidale, parietale, and temporale.On this view, the os occipitale is seen articulating with the os parietale superiorly and the pars petrosa ossis temporalis inferiorly.
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