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Paul Kim

Regions of the abdomen (Latin)

Regions of the abdomen (Latin)

The most common way to divide the abdomen is by using two vertical and two horizontal planes. The vertical planes are the lineae medioclaviculares dextra et sinistra that pass from the middle of the clavicula downwards to the middle of the ligamentum inguinale. The first horizontal plane is the planum subcostale which runs at the level of the lower edge of the 10th cartilago costalis. The second horizontal plane is the planum intertuberculare, which passes through the tuberculi of the cristae iliacae and the body of the vertebrae lumbalis 5. These planes divide the abdomen into nine regions; regio hypochondriaca dextra et sinistra, regio epigastrica, regio umbilicalis, regio abdominis lateralis dextra et sinistra, regio hypogastrica, and regio inguinalis dextra et sinistra. Another way to divide the abdomen is with one vertical and one horizontal line. The vertical line runs along the midline of the abdomen and the horizontal line along the abdomen at the level of the umbilicus. These divide the abdomen into the quadrans superior dexter, quadrans superior sinister, quadrans inferior dexter and quadrans inferior sinister.
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Regular price $7.56 USD
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