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Paul Kim

Ophthalmic nerve (Latin)

Ophthalmic nerve (Latin)

The n. ophthalmicus extends in an anterosuperior direction from the gl. trigeminale and gives rise to a small lateral branch known as the r. tentorius nervi ophthalmici which provides innervation to the tentorium cerebelli. The n. frontalis is the largest branch of the n. ophthalmicus. It enters the orbit via the fissura orbitalis superior external to the anulus tendineus communis and divides into two terminal branches: the n. supraorbitalis and n. supratrochlearis. The n. lacrimalis also enters the orbit external to the anulus tendineus communis and extends across the roof of the orbit towards the glandula lacrimalis. Before reaching the gland, it expands into several branches, which either terminate in the glandula lacrimalis or extend through the gland, terminating in the palpebra superior. Just behind the glandula lacrimalis, the n. lacrimalis is joined by the r. communicans lacrimalis nervi zygomaticotemporalis which provides parasympathetic innervation to glandula lacrimalis. The n. nasociliaris enters the fissura orbitalis superior within the anulus tendineus communis and then crosses over to the medial orbital wall. It gives off several branches which include the nn. ciliares longi, n. ethmoideus posterior, ethmoideus anterior and n. infratrochlearis as well as the r. ganglionicus ciliaris nervi nasociliaris (radix sensoria ganglii ciliaris).
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