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Esther Gollan

Omental bursa (structures) (Latin)

Omental bursa (structures) (Latin)

The omentum magus has been cut at the level of the curvatura major gastris and the stomach (gaster) has been reflected superiorly. The bursa omentalis is found posterior to the stomach, inferior to the liver (hepar) and anterior to the pancreas and duodenum. It has an irregular shape with two recesses, superior and inferior. The recessus superior is bordered by the diaphragma and the lig. coronarium hepatis, while the recessus inferior recess is found between opposing layers of the greater omentum.The bursa omentalis communicates with the greater sac (i.e. the cavitas peritonealis proper) via the omental foramen found posterior to the free edge of the omentum minus. This foramen has clear borders:Anterior – lig. hepatoduodenalePosterior – v. cava inferior and crus dexter diaphragmatisSuperior – lobus caudatus hepatisInferior – pars superior duodeni
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