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Paul Kim

Olfactory nerve (pathway) (Latin)

Olfactory nerve (pathway) (Latin)

Midsagittal section of the cerebrum and roof of the nasal cavity (cavitas nasi) showing the olfactory structures. The n. olfactorius (CN I) arises from multiple olfactory sensory neurons (epitheliocytus neurosensorius olfactorius) in the olfactory mucosa whose central processes/axons combine to form fila olfactoria. These fila olfactoria pass through foramina in the lamina cribrosa (ossis ethmoidalis), terminating in the bulbus olfactorius. The bulbus olfactorius extends caudally/posteriorly as the tractus olfactorius. This divides at the trigonum olfactorium into the stria olfactoria medialis/lateralis which form the borders of the substantia perforata anterior, and carry sensory information to regions of the cortex olfactorium.
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