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Paul Kim

Male reproductive system (Latin)

Male reproductive system (Latin)

This image shows the organa genitalia masculina interna et externa. The testis is the primary male reproductive organ in charge of sperm production. It is a paired, ellipsoid-shaped structure located in the scrotum. The testis contains numerous lobuli composed of tubuli seminiferi contorti separated by fibrous bands (septula testis). Each testis carries a firm, highly-coiled tube attached to its posterior surface, called the epididymis. The epididymis has three distinct parts (caput, corpus and cauda) and functions to facilitate the maturation of spermatozoa. The cauda epididymis is continuous with the ductus deferens. The ductus deferens, along with the surrounding neurovasculature, comprises the funiculus spermaticus. The ductus deferens terminates by joining the ductus glandulae seminalis to form the ductus ejaculatorius. The most distal structure of the male reproductive canal is the urethra, which expels both urine and sperm. In addition, the systema genitale masculinum has three types of major accessory glands including the glandulae seminales, prostata and glandulae bulbourethrales.
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Regular price $7.56 USD
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