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Yousun Koh

Main veins of the upper limb (Latin)

Main veins of the upper limb (Latin)

The veins of the upper limb form two interconnected venous networks: vv. superficiales and vv. profundae. The venae superficiales are the rete venosum dorsale manus, v. cephalica, v. basilica and v. mediana cubiti. The venae profundae are the arcus venosi palmares, vv. radiales, vv. ulnares, vv. brachiales, v. axillaris, v. subclavia. All upper limbs veins eventually drain into the v. brachiocephalica and then the v. cava superior, to empty into the atrium dexter of the cor. Large superficial veins of the upper limb are often used for venipuncture as they are easily accessible.
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Regular price $7.56 USD
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