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Yousun Koh

Lymphatics of the neck (Lateral) (Latin)

Lymphatics of the neck (Lateral) (Latin)

At the junction between the head (caput) and neck (collum) are five groups of lymph nodes which form the circulus lymphaticus pericervicalis. These are the nll. occipitales, nll. mastoidei, nll. parotidei superficiales and nll. parotidei profundi, nll. submandibulares and nll. submentales. These nodes receive lymph from regions of the nose (nasus), cheek (bucca), ear (auris), scalp (calva) and chin (mentum) and drain to either the nll. superficialies or nll. profundi colli.The lymphatics of the neck can generally be divided into nll. cervicales anteriores superficiales and nll. cervicales anteriores profundi, as well as the nll. cervicales laterales superficiales and nll. cervicales laterales profundi. From this lateral perspective, the proximal portions of the nll. cervicales laterales superficiales and nll. cervicales laterales profundi can be observed. The nll. cervicales laterales superficiales receive lymphatic drainage from the circulus lymphaticus pericervicalis and extend along the v. jugularis externa to empty into the nll. supraclaviculares at the root of the neck. The nll. cervicales laterales profundi are located along the course of the v. jugularis interna. These are further divided into superior and inferior groups by the venter superior musculi omohyoidei. The largest node of the nll. cervicales laterales profundi superiores is the nl. ​​jugulodigastricus, while the largest node of the nll. cervicales laterales profundi inferiores is the nl. juguloomohyoideus. This group of lateral nodes receive the majority of lymph from the head and neck region and drain to the truncus lymphaticus jugularis at the base of the neck.
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