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Paul Kim

Ligaments of the wrist and hand: Palmar view (Latin)

Ligaments of the wrist and hand: Palmar view (Latin)

The art. radiocarpea is stabilized by a number of ligaments namely the ligg. radiocarpeum palmare et dorsale, the lig. ulnocarpeum palmare and the ligg. collaterale radiale et ulnare. These ligaments extend from the distal portion of either the radius or ulna, respectively, to insert onto the osssa carpi of the hand (manus). The artt. intercarpeae formed between the ossa carpi are stabilized by numerous sets of ligaments. The ligg. intercarpea palmaria stretch between adjacent ossa carpi and are made up of the lig. radiatum carpi, the ligg. palmar scaphotriquetral et pisohamatum as well as a few others which are not visible from this view. The lig. radiatum carpi is formed by a set of five ligaments: the ligg. scaphocapitatum (not seen), triquetrocapitatum, capitohamatum palmare, trapezoideocapitatum palmare et trapezocapitatum.
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Regular price $7.56 USD
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