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Yousun Koh

Heart valves (Latin)

Heart valves (Latin)

Posterosuperior view of the heart (cor), with the atria removed to expose the the heart valves (valvae cordis) and surrounding structures. All four valvae cordis have 3 cusps or leaflets each, except for the valva atrioventricularis sinistra, which only has 2 cusps (there may be small accessory cusps between the two major cusps of this valve). The valvulae semilunares dextra/sinistra/posterior of the valva aortae are commonly called the valvula coronaria dextra, valvula coronaria sinistra and valvula noncoronaria in clinical practice. Other terminological variations include cuspis anterior/posterior of the valva atrioventricularis dextra which can be more accurately referred to as the cuspis superior/inferior, respectively. The valvae cordis are anchored by the fibrous skeleton of the heart, of which we can see the anuli fibrosi of the valvae atrioventriculares sinistra et dextra.
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