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Irina Münstermann

Compartments of the neck: Contents (Latin)

Compartments of the neck: Contents (Latin)

The compartimentum viscerale, which is enclosed by fasciae pretrachealis and buccopharyngea contains the glandula thyroidea, glandulae parathyroideae, larynx, trachea, pars laryngea pharyngis, n. laryngeus recurrens and esophagus.The compartimentum vertebrale contains the vertebrae cervicales and deep muscles associated with them which include the m. longus colli, m. scalenus anterior and m. scalenus posterior, the mm. cervicales profundae (m. splenius cervicis, m. splenius capitis, m. semispinalis cervicis, m. semispinalis capitis, mm. multifidi) and the m. levator scapulae.The compartimentum vasculare colli is so called according to its contents. It contains the major vascular structures of the neck which include the a. carotis communis and v. jugularis interna. It also contains the n. vagus, part of the n. laryngeus recurrens and the nodi lymphoidei cervicales profundi.The three spaces of the neck mainly contain a combination of subcutaneous fat, loose connective tissue and lymph nodes.
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