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Paul Kim

Cerebral veins - Lateral view (Latin)

Cerebral veins - Lateral view (Latin)

There are approximately eight to twelve vv. superiores cerebri that drain the superolateral and upper medial surfaces of the encephalon. They are small in caliber, and they usually follow the sulci cerebri towards the superomedial margin of the hemispherium cerebri and drain into the sinus sagittalis superior. They can be divided into v. frontopolaris, vv. frontales, v. centralis, vv. parietales and vv.occipitales. The v. media superficialis cerebri courses along the fissura cerebralis lateralis. It drains blood from most of the lateral surface of the hemispherium cerebri and conveys it to the sinus caversnosus, following a course along the sulcus lateralis. It communicates with the sinus sagittalis superior and sinus transversus via the v. anastomotica superior (of Troland) and v. anastomotica inferior (of Labbé), respectively.The vv. inferiores cerebri are variable and numerous; they drain the inferior portion of the cerebral hemisphere. Vv. temporales/occipitales [on the lateral and basal surfaces] empty into the v. media superficialis cerebri/v. basalis, as well as the sinus petrosus superior and/or sinus transversus. Vv. orbitofrontales (not seen) empty into the anterior end of the sinus sagittalis superior, v. media superficialis cerebri and/or the v. basalis.
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Regular price $7.56 USD
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