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Paul Kim

Cerebral veins - basal view (Latin)

Cerebral veins - basal view (Latin)

The vv. medullares converge with the vv. subependymales to form greater tributaries of the sinus, some of which include the v. magna cerebri (Galeni), vv. thalamostriatae, v. interna cerebri and the v. basalis. The main vein of the deep venous system of the cerebrum is the v. magna cerebri (Galeni). The v. magna cerebri has two major sets of tributaries: the v. interna cerebri and the v. basalis.The v. interna cerebri originates around the foramen interventriculare and is formed by the union of two veins: the vv. thalamocerebrales superiores and the v. chorioidea superior. The v. interna cerebri travels beneath the splenium corporis callosi and is closely related to the thalamus and the plexus chorioideus of the ventricula lateralis et tertius. The second major tributary is the v. basalis. This vein runs posteriorly and is closely related to the midbrain structures. The v. basalis has four main tributaries which include the v. anterior cerebri and v. media profunda cerebri, the vv. thalamostriatae inferiores and the v. chorioidea inferior. Before the v. magna cerebri terminates it receives a number of tributaries which include the v. posterior corporis callosi, the vv. directae laterales cerebri and the v. thalamostriata superior. Lastly, it is joined by the sinus sagittalis inferior and terminates as it anastomoses with the sinus rectus at the junction between the falx cerebri and tentorium cerebelli.
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