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Paul Kim

Cerebellum - lobules (schematic) (Latin)

Cerebellum - lobules (schematic) (Latin)

Simplified, ‘unrolled’ representation of cerebellar anatomy with the vermis cerebelli located in the midline, separating the bilateral hemispheria cerebelli. The cerebellum is composed of three lobi (lobus anterior/posterior/flocculonodularis); with the vermis and hemispheria subdivided into ten lobuli (sing. = lobulus). The lobuli vermis are designated as I-X, while those of the lobuli hemispherii are designated as HI-HX. The pars anterior vermis comprises the lingula (lobule I), lobulus centralis (II & III) and culmen (IV & V). The pars posterior vermis is composed of five lobuli: the declive (VI), folium (VIIA), tuber (VIIB), pyramis (VIII) and uvula (IX). The pars flocculonodularis vermis is the nodulus (lobule X).The pars anterior hemispherii cerebelli consists of the vincingulum (HI a.k.a. ala lingulae), ala lobuli centralis (HII & HIII) and lobulus quadrangularis anterior (HIV & HV), while the pars posterior comprises the lobulus quadrangularis posterior (HVI, a.k.a. lobulus simplex), lobuli semilunares superior et inferior (HVIIA, a.k.a. lobus ansiformis), lobulus gracilis (HVIIB), lobulus biventralis (HVIII) and tonsilla cerebelli (HIX). The flocculus [of the lobus flocculonodularis] forms the tenth lobulus cerebelli (HX).
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Regular price $7.56 USD
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