Calcaneus (Superior and posterior view) (Latin)
Calcaneus (Superior and posterior view) (Latin)
The superior view of the calcaneus presents with a number of articular surfaces w…hich participate in the formation of the joints of the foot (pes) and ankle (talus). One of them is the facies articularis talaris posterior, located along the dorsal surface of the calcaneus. It represents one of the three surfaces on the calcaneus that articulate with the os tali, with the other two being the facies articularis talaris anterior and facies articularis talaris media, which can be observed anteromedially. The large tuber calcanei forms the calx pedis and is the attachment site for the long tendo calcaneus. The inferior aspect of the tuber calcanei presents with a processus medialis tuberis calcanei and processus lateralis tuberis calcanei, which are important attachment points for the mm. pedis. From the posterior view, the sustentaculum tali can also be observed. This is a large shelf-like projection found along the posteromedial aspect of the calcaneus. It supports the caput ossis tali and contains the sulcus tendinis flexoris longi hallucis calcanei on its inferior surface.
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