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Irina Münstermann

Blood supply of the female pelvis (Latin)

Blood supply of the female pelvis (Latin)

Sagittal view of the female pelvis. At the level of the articulatio sacroiliaca, the bilateral a. iliaca communis bifurcates into the a. iliaca interna and a. iliaca externa. The a. iliaca externa courses towards the thigh to continue as the a. femoralis, whereas the a. iliaca interna courses towards the foramen ischiadicum majus and gives off multiple branches to supply the pelvic wall and organs. These can be divided into a divisio anterior and posterior. Branches of the divisio posterior are the a. iliolumbalis, a. glutea superior and a. sacralis lateralis. The divisio anterior gives off the a. uterina, a. obturatoria, a. umbilicalis, a. vaginalis, a. vesicalis superior, a. pudenda interna, a. anorectalis media et a. glutea inferior. The veins of the female pelvis collect blood from the urogenital organs and the rectum and drain into the v. iliaca interna (or v. mesenterica inferior in the case of v. [ano]rectalis superior). From the v. iliaca interna, the blood is transported to the v. iliaca communis and from there into the v. cava inferior. The vv. ovaricae dextra et sinistra drain directly to the v. cava inferior and v. renalis sinistra, respectively.
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Regular price $7.52 USD
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