Arteries of the nasal cavity (Latin)
Arteries of the nasal cavity (Latin)
The paries lateralis cavitatis nasi and septum nasi receive arterial supply from five main arteries: the aa. ethmoideae anterior et posterior (a. ophthalmica), the a. sphenopalatina and a. palatina major (a. maxillaris) and the r. septi nasi arteriae labialis superioris (a. facialis). The aa. ethmoideae anterior et posterior and a. sphenopalatina divide into rr. laterales and rr. septales as they enter the cavitas nasi, while the a. palatina major enters the cavitas nasi via the canalis incisiva of the palatum durum. The r. septi nasi arteriae labialis superioris does not give off any named branches and terminates by anastomosing with the r. septales anteriores arteriae ethmoideae anterioris. These arteries collectively supply the sinus ethmoideae et frontalis, the paries superior cavitatis nasi as well as the tunica mucosa conchae, the meatus nasalis and the septum nasi. All 5 arteries anastomose in an arterial plexus located in the septum nasi anterior termed the Kiesselbach area. This region is a common site for nose bleeds (epistaxis).
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