Veins of the thyroid gland (Latin)
Veins of the thyroid gland (Latin)
Anterior view of the neck region with the glandula thyroidea and its venous supply. The os hyoideum, membrana thyrohyoidea, larynx, and trachea are depicted. Venous drainage of the superior aspect of the glandula thyroidea occurs via the thyroid venous plexus and the v. thyroidea superior and media that empty into the v. jugularis interna. The v. thyroidea inferior drains the inferior aspect of the glandula thyroidea and empties into the v. brachiocephalica. Venous drainage of the glandulae parathyreoidae occurs via the thyroid venous plexus and the vv. thyroideae.
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#D9A19A e #D0B1A9