Joints and ligaments of the vertebral bodies and arches (Latin)
Joints and ligaments of the vertebral bodies and arches (Latin)
Articuli intervertebrales are articulations between adjacent vertebrae of the col…umna vertebralis.A symphysis intervertebralis is the articulation of two contiguous corpora vertebrae and the intervening discus intervertebralis. It is classified as a secondary cartilaginous joint or symphysis (fibrocartilage composition). Corpora vertebrae in the columna vertebralis cervicalis also articulate at articulationes uncovertebrales. These comprise four pairs of plane synovial joints present between the vertebrae C3-C7, along the lateral borders of their corpora vertebrae. An articulatio zygapophysiales is a synovial joint formed by the processus articularis of neighboring vertebrae. Both discus intervertebralis and articulationes zygapophysiales extend between the levels of the axis (C2) and os sacrum (S1). The articuli intervertebrales are reinforced and supported by numerous ligaments.The ligg. longitudinale anterius et posterius extend along the facies anterior et posterior of the corpora vertebrae and interposed disci intervertebrales, respectively. The ligamenta flava can be seen on the facies posterior of the canalis vertebralis, extending between adjacent laminae. The processus articularis inferior of each vertebra articulates with the processus articularis superior of its neighbor below, forming two articulationes zygapophysiales at each vertebral level; each is surrounded by a capsula articularis. Other ligaments extend between different bony processes of the adjacent vertebrae, namely the ligg. intertransversaria (between processus transversus) and ligg. interspinalia et supraspinalia (between processus spinosus).
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