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Irina Münstermann

Inferior view of the liver (Latin)

Inferior view of the liver (Latin)

Several vascular and ligamentous structures, together with the gallbladder, form the shape of the letter H on the posteroinferior aspect of the liver. The horizontal limb is represented by the hilum of the liver (porta hepatis), which gives passage to the v. portae hepatis, a. hepatica propria and biliary ducts (ductus biliares). The right limb of the H is formed by the sulcus venae cavae inferioris and gallbladder (vesica biliaris) below it. The left limb which separates the lobus sinister hepatis from the lobus caudatus and lobus quadratus, is defined by the fissura ligamenti venosi and fissura ligamenti teretis. Between porta hepatis and v. cava inferior is the pars posterior ligamenti coronarii that extends to the right and marks the inferior boundary of the area nuda hepatis. Below it on the lobus dexter hepatis are impressions of the suprarenal gland (impressio suprarenalis hepatis), kidney (impressio renalis hepatis) and hepatic flexure of colon (impressio colica hepatis). The posteroinferior aspect of the lobus sinister hepatis presents a well defined impression of the stomach (impressio gastrica hepatis), while the lobus quadratus is adjacent to the bulbus duodeni.
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