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Irina Münstermann

Greater omentum (Latin)

Greater omentum (Latin)

The greater omentum (omentum majus) is a four-layered peritoneal fold that hangs like an apron covering the abdominal organs. From left to right, the margo superior of the omentum is continuous with the lig. gastrosplenicum, greater curvature of stomach (curvatura major gastris) and the proximal part of the duodenum. It descends inferiorly over the colon transversalis, jejunum and ileum. The greater omentum then turns posteriorly, passing anterior to the colon transversum and mesocolon transversum to attach to the posterior abdominal wall. The right margin of the greater omentum is usually attached to the hepatic flexure (flexura hepatica coli) and upper portion of the ascending colon (colon ascedens). Its left margin is sometimes attached to the anterior surface of the descending colon (colon descendens). The greater omentum is vascularized by the aa. gastroomentales, and the blood is drained by vv. gastroomentales, which run between its layers.
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Preço normal $7.56 USD
Preço normal Preço promocional $7.56 USD
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