Our quality commitment
At Kenhub, we are passionate about providing the most accurate and reliable resource for healthcare professionals learning or teaching anatomy and histology. We are a purely educational website. We do not offer medical advice and the information provided on our website is meant to complement and not replace any advice or information from a health professional. We work hard to ensure that our images, articles, videos and quizzes correspond to the highest academic standards.
Grounded on academic literature and research
We use multiple academic resources as a reference point, with particular emphasis on those which are familiar to the majority of students and instructors alike. Thus for anatomy related content, our main references are the two most widely respected anatomy textbooks:
- Gray’s Anatomy for Students (by Richard Drake, A. Wayne Vogl and Adam Mitchell)
- Clinically Oriented Anatomy (by Keith L. Moore, Arthur F. Dalley II, and Anne M. R. Agur)
For histology content, our main reference sources include the following textbooks:
- Junqueira’s Basic Histology: Text and Atlas (by Anthony L. Mescher)
- Histology: A Text and Atlas (by Wojciech Pawlina and Michael H. Ross)
- Human Microscopic Anatomy (by Radivoj V. Krstic)

In addition to accuracy, our articles and illustrations are continuously updated with the latest findings and discoveries in anatomy and histology. Towards this, our writing and review process involves appraisal of the peer-reviewed scientific literature related to each topic.
Understanding that not everybody enjoys reading dense academic content, we strive to make our articles as light and as easy to read as possible, without scrimping on the details.
Both our atlas of anatomy illustrations and textbook-style articles are provided for free upon registration. For a faster and more engaging learning experience, we offer hundreds of videos and quizzes as part of our paid Premium product.
Reviewed by experts
In enlisting our content creation team, we follow the highest educational and scientific standards. The authors of our articles are medical students, junior doctors, or postgrads who are passionate about anatomy, histology and medical education. Our talented authors love teaching their younger fellows and have a great ability to simplify complex topics into easy-to-digest articles. The manuscripts are then reviewed by a group of experts in the medical education field. We collaborate with university professors, senior doctors and Ph.D. candidates from around the world who are experts in anatomy, histology and medical education.
We are also proud to collaborate with some of the world’s top medical illustrators, including the Netter award winner Paul Kim. Referencing Netter's Atlas of Human Anatomy and Sobotta Atlas of Human Anatomy (to name a few), our illustrators create original anatomical or histological illustrations. The original illustrations we create are then subject to a rigorous review process (sometimes it takes more than 6 months for an illustration to be published due to the multiple reviewing steps!).
Supporting over three million students worldwide
As of summer 2023, our content is helping more than 3.9 million registered users worldwide to pass their exams. Since launching Kenhub in 2012, we’ve served over 110 million readers on our website! To get an idea of how other students use our website and how it helped them learn anatomy, you can visit our success stories page.
Besides that, many professors at universities including Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin and University of Colorado use our learning materials to teach their students, in parallel with textbooks and cadavers.
Do you want to learn anatomy and histology in a fun and effective way? Do you teach anatomy or histology? Kenhub is here to offer you and your university the most accurate and reliable digital anatomy educational tools.