Ureters in situ (Latin)
Ureters in situ (Latin)
Pelvic cavity (cavitas pelvis) with suprarenal glands (glandulae suprarenales), kidneys (renes) and ureters in situ, as well as the rectum, uterus, ovaries (ovaria) and vesica urinaria and the major branches of the aorta abdominalis and the vena cava inferior. All other abdominal viscera have been removed with the exception of the oesophagus abdominalis. The ureters leave the kidneys posterior to the vasa renalia and course distally on the anterior surface of musculus psoas major, posterior to the vasa ovarica (or vasa testicularia in males). The ureters cross the bifurcation of the arteriae iliacae communes at the pelvic brim to enter the pelvic cavity , where they run below the ductus deferentes in males and below the arteriae uterinae in females, to enter the base of the vesica urinaria.
Normaler Preis
$7.56 USD
Normaler Preis
$7.56 USD
#EFB58E und #D3ACA3