Thyroid and parathyroid glands (Latin)
Thyroid and parathyroid glands (Latin)
Top image: Anterior view of the glandula thyroidea with cartilago thyroidea and the cervical part of the trachea exposed. The butterfly-shaped glandula thyroidea consists of left and right conical shaped lobi glandulae thyroideae which are connected by a central isthmus. A third lobus pyramidalis may be present occasionally. The glandula thyroidea is located anterior to the trachea and inferior to the cartilago thyroidea.Bottom image: Posterior view of the glandula thyroidea with the four glandulae parathyroidea exposed. Two pairs of lentil-shaped glandula parathyroidea are positioned on the back of each lobe of the glandula thyroidea. According to their location, they are called glandula parathyroidea superior et inferior.
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