Spinal cord: Cross section (Internal morphology) (Latin)
Spinal cord: Cross section (Internal morphology) (Latin)
The substantia grisea of the medulla spinalis is a butterfly shaped structure which is functionally divided into cornu anterius, posterius and lateralis. At the center of the medulla spinalis is a longitudinal canal filled with cerebrospinal fluid known as the canalis centralis. The canalis centralis represents the most caudal portion of the ventricular system. The substantia grisea which surrounds the canalis centralis is composed of the commissura grisea anterior and posterior that bridge the cornu anterius and posterius of each half of the medulla spinalis. The substantia alba forms the remaining surrounding sections of the medulla spinalis and is divided into funiculus anterior, posterior and lateralis. The cervical and upper thoracic (C1-T6) funciuli posteriores are further subdivided into a medial fasciculus gracilis and a lateral fasciculus cuneatus. Tracts of the fasciculus gracilis are responsible for transmitting conscious proprioception, fine touch and vibration from the lower body, while tracts of the fasciculus cuneatus transmit these sensations from the upper body. Running between the two halves of the medulla spinalis are the commissura alba anterior and posterior.
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