Nerves of the female pelvis (Latin)
Nerves of the female pelvis (Latin)
The plexus lumbalis, sacralis and coccygealis give off several pelvic branches such as the n. obturatorius, n. pudendalis and n. anococcygealis. These nerves provide motor and sensory innervation to the muscles and skin of the pelvic floor and perineum. Nn. splanchnici lumbales and sacrales provide the pelvis with autonomic innervation and form the plexus hypogastricus superior. This plexus gives off the n. hypogastricus dexter and sinister, that merge with the nn. splanchnici pelvici to form the plexus hypogastricus inferior. The plexus hypogastricus superior and inferior further divide into smaller plexuses, forming the plexus vesicalis, plexus uterovaginais, plexus anorectalis. These subplexuses provide autonomic innervation to the female pelvic viscera and glands, including the rectum, vesica urinaria, urethra, uterus, ovara and vagina.
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