Muscles of the orbit (Latin)
Muscles of the orbit (Latin)
Lateral view of the orbita sinister (left image) and anterior view of the orbita dexter (right image) showing the positions of musculi orbitae. The most superior muscle is the m. levator palpebrae superioris, originating from the ala minor ossis sphenoidalis and inserting on the tarsus superior and skin of the palpebra superior. Four straplike recti muscles (m. rectus superior, inferior, medialis and lateralis) all originate from the annulus tendineus communis and run straight within the orbit to insert on the anterior half of the bulbus oculi. The m. obliquus superior arises from the corpus ossis sphenoidalis and passes superomedially within the orbit, with its tendon running through the trochlea musculi obliqui superioris, prior to inserting on the superior surface of the bulbus oculi. The m. obliquus inferior is seen crossing the paries inferior orbitae below the m. rectus inferior after arising from the maxilla, to insert on the inferior surface of the bulbus oculi below the m. rectus lateralis.
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