Medial view of the right lung (Latin)
Medial view of the right lung (Latin)
This perspective of the lung shows the margo anterior and margo inferior pulmonis, as well as their facies medialis and facies diaphragmatica. The facies medialis pulmonis dextri and facies medialis pulmonis sinistri share many similar features, with the most prominent feature of the facies medialis being the hilum pulmonis. The hilum pulmonis is a triangular section at the midpoint of each lung that serves as the only site of entrance or exit of structures associated with the lungs. Therefore, many structures are contained within the hilum pulmonis, including neurovascular structures (aa. pulmonales and vv. pulmonales, aa. bronchiales), bronchi lobares, nodi lymphoidei bronchopulmonales and ligamenta pulmonalia.
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