Lymphatics of the lungs (Latin)
Lymphatics of the lungs (Latin)
Anterior view of the lungs (pulmones) and tracheobronchial tree (arbor tracheobronchialis), showing the aorta thoracica and the venae brachiocephalicae. Lymph drained from the nll. tracheobronchiales superiores/inferiores dextri, as well as the nll. tracheobronchiales inferiores sinistri, is received by the truncus bronchomediastinalis dexter. From here, lymph is received by the truncus bronchomediastinalis dexter via nll. paratracheales and returned to venous circulation around the angulus venosus dexter. The nll. tracheobronchiales superiores sinister drain to the truncus bronchomediastinalis sinister (also via nll.i paratracheales) which empties into the angulus venosus sinistere, sometimes via the thoracic duct.
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