Lateral views of the lungs (Latin)
Lateral views of the lungs (Latin)
This perspective clearly shows the margo anterior and margo inferior pulmonis as well as the facies costalis pulmonis. The facies costalis pulmonis (costal surface of the lung) faces the ribs (costae) and is covered by pleura visceralis. Due to the fact the 'spongy' nature of the lung parenchyma,, the ribs leave defined marks (impressiones costales) over the entire facies costalis pulmonis. The lungs are divided into lobes (lobi) by double folds of pleura, also known as fissures (fissurae). From the lateral view, the fissures are seen as thick lines that extend along the facies costales of the lungs. The left lung (pulmo sinister) has only one fissure (fissura obliqua) which divides it into a lobus superior and lobus inferior, while the right lung (pulmo dexter) has two fissures (fissurae obliqua and fissura horizontalis) that divide it into a lobus superior, lobus medius and lobus inferior.
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