Joints of the foot (Latin)
Joints of the foot (Latin)
Right foot, lateral view. The anatomical art. subtalaris (a.k.a. art. talocalcanea) is formed between the facies articularis talaris and facies articularis posterior calcanei. The art. transversa tarsi is an S-shaped joint which connects the hindfoot and midfoot. It is a compound joint composed of two smaller joints, the art. talocalcaneonavicularis and art. calcaneocuboidea.Distally, there are a number of smaller artt. intertarseae between the os cuboideum, os naviculare and ossa cuneiformia, namely the art. cuboideonavicularis, art. cuneocuboidea, art. cuneonavicularis and artt. intercuneiformes.The artt. tarsometatarseae are three in number: a medial joint involving the os cuneiforme mediale and os primum metatarsi, a middle joint formed by the os cuneiforme intermedium/laterale with the os secundum/tertium metatarsi, and a lateral joint between the os cuboideum and os quartum/quintum metatarsi. The joints between the capita ossium metatarsorum and bases phalangium pedis are known as artt. metatarsophalangeae, while those found between contiguous phalanges are termed artt. interphalangeae.
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