Cerebral veins - Medial view (Latin)
Cerebral veins - Medial view (Latin)
Located between the stratum periostale durae matris and stratum meningea durae matris are the sinus venosi durales. Generally venous blood from deeper structures of the cerebrum drain into vv. profundae cerebri (see previous image) which extend and empty into three sinus venosi durales: the sinus transverse, sinus rectus and sinus sigmoideus.The sinus rectus receives the sinus sagittalis inferior and the v. magna cerebri (Galeni). It runs in a posteroinferior direction towards the protuberantia occipitalis interna and contributes to the formation of the confluens sinuum. Emerging from this confluence are the paired sinuum transversa which travel within the lateral border of the tentorium cerebelli. The sinum transversa terminate as they extend to form the sinuum sigmoideae at the point where the tentorium cerebelli ends. The sinuum sigmoideae course along the floor of the fossa posterior cranii and empty into the v. jugularis interna as they leave the cranium via the foramina jugulares. Tributaries of the sinus sigmoideus include the emissarium mastoideum and emissarium condylare as well as veins which drain the cerebellum, namely the v. inferiores cerebri.
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