Arteries of the neck (Latin)
Arteries of the neck (Latin)
Located at the root of the neck are the a. subclavia and a. carotis communis which arise from the truncus brachiocephalicus on the right and from the arcus aortae on the left. The truncus thyrocervicalis arises from the pars prima a. subclaviae and gives off the a. thyroidea inferior, a. cervicalis ascendens, a. transversa colli and a. suprascapularis. Also arising from the posterosuperior aspect of this part is the a. vertebralis. Branching from the pars secunda a. subclaviae is the truncus costocervicalis which gives off a branch, the a. cervicalis profunda at the root of the neck. The a. carotis externa arises from the bifurcation of the a. carotis communis and gives off several branches which include the arteria thyroidea superior, a. lingualis, a. pharyngea ascendens , a. occipitalis and a. auricularis posterior (not shown). The rest of the branches of the a. carotis externa are located superior to the neck. The a. carotis interna does not give off any cervical branches.
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