Arteries of the brain - Lateral view (Latin)
Arteries of the brain - Lateral view (Latin)
Lateral view of the brain with its arterial vessels; the sulcus lateralis has been opened to expose the arteries within. The prominent vessel seen from this view is the a. media cerebri, which is the direct continuation of the a. carotis interna. It provides a large number of small central branches (e.g. rr. centrales anterolaterales) as well as several larger rr. corticales s such as the a. orbitofrontalis lateralis, aa. insulares (not shown) as well as several additional rr. corticales temporales/frontales/parietales . The rami corticales of the a. media cerebri supply most of the lateral surface of the lobus frontalis, lobus parietalis and lobus temporalis (except for the superior border of the former two and inferior border of the latter). Smaller central branches supply the corpus striatum and capsula interna.
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#E97181 und #D4B3A9